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Ow With 'obnoxious' Onager Nets £1093
RIVER who was sacked after a row with an "exceedingly oxious" supermarket manager has been awarded £1,093.50 pensation for unfair dismissal. elshpool-based Aber Cars Ltd driver......
Ro-ro Is On The Up ...and Up
RO-RO freight traffic using UK-Continental ferries has grown dramatically this year. The number of vehicles, in cluding unaccompanied trailers, on ro-ro ferries during the first......
Olvo Is To Oil
OLVO is joining a multitional venture to develop ergy resources in third rld countries. Under the control of the wly-created International ergy Development Corpotion, the......
Our Nc Masterminds
SEEN HERE receiving a gallon of whisky each are Tom Bonnes (left) and Tom Graham (right). Making the presentation is Bill Glenroy, Scottish regional managing director of......
Cm Goes Dutch Join Us
COMMERCIAL MOTOR is tc sponsor a visit to the Amsterdam Show from February 6 tc 9 at a cost of E95. Full detail and a booking form will app ear in next week's issue. The party......