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Tribunal Criticize Hearing Of Application
THE Eastern Licensing Authority was I criticized by the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal last week for the "unsatisfactory way" in which he dealt with an application. They dismissed......
£461,474 For Three Hauliers
A GREEMENTS between the British I–% Transport Commission and three hauliers for the payment of £461,474 compensation w er e confirmed in London on Tuesday by the Transport......
Leyland Mechanizat/on
FURTHER1NG their scheme for the mechanization of their Farington foundry, Leyland Motors Ltd., have recently installed all-mechanical handling plant in the pig-iron stockyard......
“warden Does Not Control Crossing
APEDESTRIAN crossing supervised by a traffic warden remains an uncontrolled crossing in the absence of a policeman. This was the effect of a decision given by Wolverhampton......
Radio Licence Fee Disputed
ATEST case of interest to users of radio-equipped lorries, ambulances and taxis is to be heard in the High Court. The action follows the serving of a writ by a Colchester......
WE regret to record the depths of MR. HERBERT WILLIAM WHII LOCK and MR. THOMAS SIDNEY WHITLOCK. They were the founder-directors of Whitlock Bros., Ltd., Great Yeldharn, Essex,......