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Appeal Dismissed: Respondents Not Called
WITHOUT calling on the respondents VV to reply, the Transport [Appeal] Tribunal on Tuesday dismissed an appeal by Mr. A. G. Allen, 1 Upper Stone Street, Maidstone, against the......
240,000 Constructed: 111,300 Exported
LAST year, 240,000 commercial .1-J vehicles and nearly 595,000 cars were built, a total of almost 835,000 units. Over 111.300 commercial vehicles and 302.000 cars were exported.......
New Derusting Fluid
AN oily based dismantling fluid, known as Formula A, has been developed by the Plus Gas Co., 1-11 Hay Hill, London, W.I. It breaks down rust constituents by chemical action and......
Southend Cleansing Tests
QTREET cleansing by manual. t-.1 mechanical and suction methods have been on trial in Southend, with particular emphasis on lifting leaves. It was considered that the suction......
New C.d. Cleaner
M IN E different kinds of floor-main tenance task can be accomplished with the Mark 5 cleaner shortly to be introduced by Columbus-Dixon Ltd.. Wembley, Middx. Among them are......
4-16-day Tours By Sheffield United
AS in recent years, Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., are offering a large variety of tours, ranging from fouc to 16 days, in Britain and on the Continent during the 1954 season.......
Non-skid Cobbles?
D OUGHENING of cobbled roads by JA a German machine was demonstrated at Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire, last week. By use of an oxy-acetylene surface burner working at 3,200° C.,......
County Council Objects
BECAUSE moorland roads in the West Riding are liable to be damaged by buses, West Riding County Council recently objected to an application by Halifax Corporation to operate a......
I.m.i. Summer School
THE Institute of the Motor Industry, 40 Queen's Gate, London, .S.W.7, have published details of the annual summer school at St. Catharine's College, Cambridge, from August......
Transport's Part Forgotten
THEpart played by transport in increasing productivity was often forgotten, said Air Chief Marshal Sir Ralph Cochrane when he addressed the Sheffield Section of the Institute of......