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Strachans And Willowbrook Bodies For London's New...
STANDARD RM ROUTEMASTER PRODUCTION TO CEASE THIS YEAR PRODUCTION of the standard London Transport 64-seat Routemaster double-deck bus is to cease this simmer, according to a......
More Protests At Severn Tolls Bill
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT P ROTESTS against the Severn Bridge Tolls Bill already made by the Road Haulage Association and Traders Road Transport Association (The......
'priority For Public Transport'
A LT HOUGH monorails, hovercraft and other forms of travel had been considered, Mr, W. Burns, planning officer for Newcastle upon Tyne, said this week he was not certain that......
Rural School Buses T Here Was A Financial Strain On...
committees in large rural areas which provided school transport, said Mr. P. Bessell (Liberal, Bodmin) in the Commons last week, and he suggested that specific grants might be......
Manchester Strikes?
F EARS were expressed this week that serious travel difficulties might arise in Manchester on Thursday following a threat by 2,000 local railwaymen to stage a one-day strike at......
Minister Decides Bus Departure Charge
A FTER an inquiry had been held to consider objections raised by Manchester and Oldham Corporations, the Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dunkinfield Transport and Electricity......