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Serpa Backs Bus
JOR SHIFT to buses from by the Serpell Committee. ts controversial report on lancing of British Rail, the iittee said many trains le Inter City and London ie South East services......
Green Line Fares Cut
LONDON COUNTRY is promoting its Green Line toach services next month, with a February Fares Fighter campaign of reduced maximum fares. The maximum adult single fare on most......
Br Overcomes Coaches
BRITISH RAIL believes it has dealt effectively with inter-city coach competition, BR Inter-City director Cyril Bleasdale claimed in London last week. He was addressing a......
Vital' Firms Jet £81,000
NTY DURHAM county )il has given more than 00 in grants to five private ompanies. he latest round of revenue art grants, the council has !d to hand out a total of 87. The biggest......