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Firm Let Down By Service Checks
A SURREY coach company has appeared before the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners because of irregularities rising out of maintenance difficulties at its main depot. Whites......
Express Film
NATIONAL EXPRESS is to duce video films for passe on its Worcester to Lc coach service. The 200-minute service i a Rapide service and will I low fares. The joint National Exf......
Dalesman Gets Air Suspension
WARD MOTORS of Huddersfield is to introduce air suspension as an option on its Dalesman coach chassis range. The Dalesman is now available with either Perkins TV8.640 or Gardner......
Nbc Is 'crazy': Tory M
THE National Welsh bus company's decision to compete ir travel agency field has been branded as "crazy" by a Tory wing MP. Teddy Taylor, a leading member of the Monday Club,......