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Police Swoop On... Police
sTORTHAMPTONSHIRE )olice have been left red. aced after they were called )ut to a suspected stolen ruck — only to find that their raffic division colleagues had rad the vehicle......
Unions Row Over 'landmark' Deal
['HE TRANSPORT & General Workers Union is furious with the Jnion of Shop, Distributive and kllied Workers for claiming all the Tedit for negotiating a landmark )ay deal atACC......
Stop Press
As CM went to press French tacho firm Actia had submitted its digital smartcard tachograph for1 final stage of type approve testing. It could be passed by May but August is more......
Pensioner's Deal
The Corporation of Lonclor to face scrutiny at a CoronE Inquest over the death of a pensioner who was run ov( by an HGV while enjoying I daily stroll in a London pa4 Ben Glass......
Extra Chill
Trade association Transfrigoroute Internation is continuing to push for a derogation on artic length limits for reefer operators. It wants an extra 200mm allowance on the back......
National Checks
The first national VOSA checks of the year took pla on 21 January at 47 sjtes around the UK: 56 foreign vehicles and 352 UK truck: received prohibitions for mechanical or......
Toll Outcry
The government's senior transport adviser, Professoi David Begg, has provoked controversy by calling for tolling along the M8 motory in Scotland using an extra lane in each......