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• Last Week The Hawk Heard Rha Chairman Roy Bowles
(or Royal Bowles as he is known in RHA circles following his OBE) make a speech at the Young Executive Section conference. He is obviously a wee bit concerned about RHA young......
• A Suggestion In A Reader's Letter In Commercial Motor...
A traffic policeman spotted Alan Holmes' letter (CM 22-28 February) suggesting the inside lane should be closed initially as a smoother way of channelling motorway traffic into......
• The Latest Mercedes-benz Advert For The 1733 Tractor Which
appeared in last week's Commercial Motor raises two questions in the Hawk's inquiring mind: firstly, how much did the company have to pay Frank Bruno and Barry McGuigan to stand......
• When The Hawk Was Summoned To The Prestigious British
Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association's Anti-Theft Award ceremony last week, he was surprised to find who stole the limelight — it was a victorious nobody. It seems the......
• Last Week I Met A Department Of Transport Chappie
by the name of Ian Mackay, who is senior executive officer for freight policy and road haulage. The conversation turned to the Palmer report and Mackay revealed some intriguing......
• It's Nearly Time Once Again For The Rha National
board elections. Charles Gam of MachUis Transport certainly had something to say about that (if you remember Garn first shot to fame when he attacked the RHA's 1988 conference......
• The Growing Band Of "pirate" Firms Taking Advantage Of
owner-operators, has pushed a Sussex haulier into compiling a list of bad payers. He hopes that by distributing and up-dating this list, owneroperators will be spared problems......