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Ec Plans 1992 Truck Tax Targets
• Europe's Transport Commissioner Karel van Miert has laid down plans for harmonising vehicle excise duty (VED) throughout the Community. The tax is expected to be set at £851......
Show Setback
• Events organiser Live I 'romotions has shelved plans for a British truck show in 1992, and will hold one instead at London Docklands Arena in 1994 (CM 11-17 October). Enough......
Agency Breaks The Language Barrier
• Two former employees of an international transport company have set up an agency to help hauliers with language problems in foreign countries. Lynn Everson and Dianne......
High-roof Man F90 Cab Is Expected Next Year
• MAN has confirmed that a high-roof version of its F90 cab could be available next year. UK product manager Euan Harron says that no firm decision has been taken to import the......
Hero Truck Driver Saves Two Lives
• A truck driver who saved the lives of two victims of an 11-vehicle accident which killed six people on the M42 on 6 November is to be put forward by the police for a bravery......
Meat Writ For Channel 4
• West Country meat packer John Perkins has served Channel Four Television Company Ltd with a writ after its Dispatches programme about unfit meat consignments. In the programme......
Omni Present • The Receiver Of Omni Manufacturer City...
Engineering is holding discussions with a number of companies interested in buying the firm.......
Bypass Blues • The Al Western Bypass At Newcastle Which
opens on I December will create congestion, warns the FHA, because it will attract too many vehicles for its size.......