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New Wage Awards
T HE TRANSPORT AND GENERAL WORKERS UNION announced the following adjustments to wage rates and conditions on Wednesday. As from August t, 1963, wage rates in the sand and gravel......
Bulk Handling In Agriculture
A NEW 32-page booklet entitled "Bulk Handling of Grain, Feeds • and Fertilizers " has been published by the National Association of Corn and Agricultural Merchants, Cereal......
Rail Freight Rates To Rise Soon?
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT N EW rates for the carriage of freight on the railways are expected to be announced by Dr Beeching's British Railways Board before the end of......
Another Insurance Firm Wound Up The Ministry Of Transport...
statement on Wednesday about a winding-up order, effective from July 29, against the American Military (International) Insurance Association. Any policy-holders who have been......