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Smoke, Power-to-weight
'THERE was no immediate prospect of I a roadside meter being developed which could make useful observations of the smoke emitted by moving vehicles, said Mr. Thomas Galbraith,......
Mudguard Problems
IT was very difficult to stop heavy trucks throwing water from the side of the tyres, admitted Mr. Marples when questioned in the Commons last week about research into rigid......
Traffic Report Startles Ministers
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT A DRAMATIC and far-reaching study, r - kof the future impact of traffic in Brita:n's towns and cities has just been received b) the Minister of......
First Beeching Closure Protests For Decision
T HE first 47 rail passenger service closures proposed by Dr. Beeching have brought Mr. Marples 43 headaches. All but four' of the proposals have brought objections from users......
Highlands Transport To Be Co-ordinated
T HE Government is to set up a Highlands Transport Board to review the needs and co-ordinate the working, of transport in the Highlands and islands, which will co-operate......