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Could You Tell Me What Are The Present Vehicle Plating...
The fee for a first test is £5.50 for a vehicle and £3.50 for a trailer. For each subsequent test the fee is £3.50 for vehicles and £2.50 for trailers. For a test after a......
I Run A Small Boat Transq. Port Business And Among
the boats we move are racing shells for rowing. For this purpose/use a 3-ton Bedford rigid about 26 ft long. What does the law state on overhang both forward and to the rear,......
What Licence Is Required To Drive A Tractive Unit? If
it is classed as a heavy goods vehicle, why is there no rear marker plate.? If ills classed as a private car what regulations are there on Motorway driving? A The licensing of......
Q Although The Conservatives Have Put The Tachograph...
in the Road Traffic Bill I can't believe that we shall now see a British tachograph type approval scheme before the Common Market regulations come into force. Could you tell me......