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Telex Hushbox
This hushbox is designed to consideably reduce the noise of a telex unit. Made of grey glassfibre, it is lined with noise absorbent material. A double-hinged Perspex front is......
No-key Chucks
or- 99 , Eight new heavy-duty electric drills and hammer drills — the Super Star HM range — for industrial use have been marketed by Black and Decker. A new keyless chuck on the......
Constant Pressure
A 2.54 cm .( I in) square drive impact wrench with 3.1 7cm . (11/4in) bolt capacity has been added to the Yutani Tool range. The 32 WP Impact Wrench has a bolt capacity of......
24v Hazard Warning
A hazard warning system kit designed to work on 24V, for applications on commercial vehicles, is marketed by Autolec. It is designed to fit all British or foreign vehicles with......
Cleaner Saver
The Mini-Washer, a portable degreasing unit for use on machinery, vehicles and heavy plant equipment, works on compressed air; and no maintenance is required. An impact......
Hp Washer
The Armourjet 900 high-pressun washer fits into the boot of most cars Its four-piston pump develop: 6205 kN/ sq m (900 psi) of wate power, distributed by a lightweigh gun fitted......