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A Relevant Look At Bus Operation
IF ANYONE is qualified to write about buses, Leicester City Transport general Manager Geoffrey Hilditch is. His years of experience and enthusiasm are more than evident in A......
The Vehicle That Helped Win The War
IF you have a couple of tokens and have a hankering for jeeps, then you've got it made for the next best thing, Brother! The Jeep (Frederick Warne, £12.95) is a real coffee......
Be Prepared For New First-aid Regs
A BOOKLET, First Aid at Work, about the new regulations on this which come into force on July 1,1982, is published by the Health and Safety Executive and is available from HMSO......
Got A Computer?
Better buy a van . . . Where past and future meet in the world oi megamerchants, by Derek Tid man IF you want to make a lot of money out of computers: "Buy a Van". Hard to......