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The So What Of '76
THE non-event of Juneindeed it might even qualify for supreme champion of 1976 must surely be the DoE's reciprocity deal with Finland. British hauliers are no doubt excited to......
We're Beginning To Pong
WHILE the DoE boys were freezing up in Finland in the interests of ungrateful operators, the operators themselves were sweating it out elsewhere in Europe. Their uncomfortable......
Hope Springs Eternal
HE'S back, yes the editor returned from bicentennial crazy USA on Monday apparently unaffected by jet-lag—or was that because we were all half asleep in London's tropical......
After Watergate
ONE American who has certainly disappeared from the scene is Jim Haifa, ex boss of the Teamsters' union who disappeared mysteriously last year. The union now accept that they......
Railway Handout
BUT now to another type of union. What about the news last week that the European railway services will be merged by 1980 and have their headquarters in Brussels. There must......
Another One
MY list (June 25) of former CM men now doing press and PR work in the industry omitted at least one from an earlier era: Andrew Seacombe who, though now independent in the......
And Another...
ROLLS-Royce Motors have taken a stake in L. Gardner, the diesel engine manufacturer. Now, I'm told that Gardner hates publicity. Can we blame them. In the Financial Times last......
Hop-along Cassidy
ONLY the British could keep their savoir faire the way the BRS did last weekend. A buffet dance at Pinewood studios fell happily on a day when the sun was shining, but unhappily......