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Maintenance Problems Solved By Hire
PROBLEMS over the maintenance of vehicles operated by Armstrong Removals Ltd, Pinxton, Nottinghamshire, would be solved in the future by a proposal to hire vehicles. The company......
Rules Changes Aren't So Bad
BRITAIN'S road freight industry is unlikely to be badly hit by new Common Market Legislation. That was the conclusion of Frank Woodward, Transport Services Executive of Plessey,......
Western Brs Soba Up
KELLOGGS, have recently linked a third British Road Services warehouse to their centralised stock control and distribution system in Manchester. Western BRS' branch at Avonmouth......
Cm Wolf Results
Norwich THERE were joint winners a the CMLDoY heat held in Nor. wich. The two drivers, Shaur. Beeching and Harry Cursor both ended the contest with 31 penalties. Winners were :......