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Tnt Parcels Up Profits
by Karen Miles • TNT proclaimed improvements to its global financial stability last week as it posted its latest batch of financial results, which again show the UK as one of......
Smmt Works In Code
• A standardised electronic vehicle coding system is available from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders to help spares tracking and make parts production more......
Tolls May Go At Night
• Tolls planned for the motorways in the next four years could be restricted to the daytime, Transport Secretary John MacGregor revealed last Wednesday. He told the Transport......
United Jobs Safe After Tough Year
• Sharp competition in the parcels business has forced United Carriers to warn that its 1995 profits will be down just three months after the company was floated on the stock......
Judge Decides On Drivers' Rest Rule
• A driver cannot count any rest lasting over 45 minutes, taken AFTER driving for 4 1 /2 hours, as part of the break required for the next 4 1 / 2 -hour driving period. This......