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Charges .scheme : Advanced Stage
A N advanced stage has been reached by the British Transport Commission in the preparation of its charges scheme and standard conditions of carriage. This statement was made on......
More Vehicles For Home Market—pro Tem A Bout 20 Per Cent.
of the 30,000 cars and commercial vehicles held up at ports because of a temporary lack of shipping space are to be released immediately for use in the home market. Announcing......
Grouping In Sheffield
S HEFFIELD hauliers are reported to be preparing a grouping scheme, under which it will be possible to interchange traffic and increase the free • operator's effective radius......
Government Beaten R 8 Votes On Amendment Bill
Socialist's Plea for Small Hauliers : Attack on C-licence Holders A FTER a debate lasting more than five hours, the Transport (Amendment) Bill, sponsored by Mr. J. R. Bevins......
Happy Faces In Westminster
BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT it /PST of the occupants of the Pa Strangers' Gallery in the House of Commons last Friday were no strangers to each other. The parties of hauliers who......