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Cotton Commission To Dismiss R.h.e.?
NDIRECT reference to a dispute between the Raw Cotton Commission nd the Road Haulage Executive was lade in the House of Commons, last riday, by Mr J R. Bevins. "The lmost......
Unauthorized Rises In Fares Alleged Ta Thorough...
A fares in Scotland is to be made by 4r. W. F. Quin, Scottish Licensing Luthority, following complaints by the ;sottish Trades Union Congress that any of the new fares recently......
Questions On Growers' Transport Costs
N the House of Commons, last week, Mr. Joynson-Hicks put questions to le Minister of Agriculture about road :ansport charges for horticultural prance. Mr. Joynson-Hicks said......
R.h.e. Withdraws Objection
A REPRESENTATIVE of the RailAA way and Road Haulage Executives withdrew objections to a haulier's application, last week, after supporting witnesses had been heard. The......
Glass's New Guide
r 0 new publications of William Glass, Ltd., Weybridge, extend the Glass's Guide service to traders in commercial vehicles. The "Guide to Used Commercial Vehicle Values" covers......
New Cleaning Preparation
R EMOVAL of tar spots from celtulose or chromium plating is the object of Tarlena, a preparation manufactured by Bennett (Hyde), Ltd. Cleaning can be completed in less than a......
250 Applications For Festival Trips
WHEN she first of the applications IT was heard in Birmingham, last week, Mr. R. Stuart Filcher, West Midland Licensing Authority, revealed that 250 applications hal been......
Drivers To Claim Back Wages From Menamara?
A CLAIM for alleged arrears of wages may be made on McNamara and Co., Ltd. (now nationalized), by drivers whom the company formerly employed on Post Office contracts. The......
Perkins School Covers 6,040 Miles In Four Months
S INCE the first Perkins mobile school arrived in Canada on October 31 last, it has travelled over 6,000 miles, giving Canadian mechanics instruction in the maintenance of......
Losing Service Taken Off
THE Tynemouth and District Trans' port Co., Ltd., has been granted permission by the Northern Licensing Authority to take buses off the Tynemouth and North Shields route between......