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Western La Puts His Terms Arrymen
—and new Mendips rates proposals would give increases of up to 30 per cent U NLESS the Western Licensing Authority. Mr. J. R. C. SamuelGibbon, is assured within 21 days that......
Gloucester Police Impressed By Artic Demonstration
—but no exemptions from winter road bans are likely ' BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT nESPITE successful and impressive demonstrations of the Hope antijack-knife device to an......
Call For C-licence Restrictions
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A CALL for the introduction of legislation restricting C-licensed vehicles to operating within a 25,mile radius from base "in the interest of......
Rha Views On Radio Telephones A T Executive Committee...
the Road Haulage Association on Wednesday it was reported that a reply had been sent to the Ministry of Transport, which had asked the RHA for its views on the proposals to......
New Chief Engine Er For Pickfords M A. W. H. Smith
has been appointed chief engineer of Pickfords Ltd., in succession to Mr. R. H. Faro, who is to retire on May 22. Mr. Smith, who has already taken up• his new duties, was an......