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Cargo Handling Co-ordination
T HE vital role of road haulage in the co-ordination of cargo movements will be one of the main themes at the seventh Conference of the International Cargo Handling......
Course Proves Popular
THE surprisingly heavy bookings for the first transport management course by Luton College of Technology are leading its organizers to believe that there is a very real scarcity......
Transport Course At Gafford
A PRE EXAMINATION revision rm. course on transport for students preparing for the Graduateship examinations of the Institute of Transport and/or the Industrial Transport......
Ita Examinations
'THE timetable for May examinations held under the sponsorship of the London division of the Industrial Transport Association is as follows:— May 24: Graduateship Part 2 (Law of......
Insulated Road/sea Tanks
F OUR of these demountable tanks for road/sea transport are shortly to go into service on the Irish routes of Coast Lines Ltd. To provide added strength in resisting the......