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Eight )arking !xperiments
• An experiment to control the overnight parking of goods vehicles over 30cwt has started in Birmingham as a result of a new traffic order which came into force on April 5. The......
Zaf Wins It St Austell
y David Lowe All the assembled might of the Heavy -ansport Co Ltd—its entry amounted to aarly half the total of 72 competitors—was ot able to prevent marauders from South /ales,......
Minister To Open Cm Conference
• Mr John Peyton, Minister for Transport Industries, has agreed to open Commercial Motor's 1971 Fleet Management Conference, which takes place on Thursday September 16. The......
Metric Signs Illegal
• Metric warning road signs are illegal, Mr Eldon Griffiths, Under-Secretary for the Environment, made this clear in the Commons this week when he said that warning signs on......
Docks Diary Scheme Boost
• Certain major shippers are not making use of the lorry appointment scheme at Liverpool docks, the transport committee of Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has been told. This was......