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Where The Money Went
We do not wish to become involved in the controversy over training for tipper drivers which has been raised in your columns by M r T. H. Thirkell—tempted as we are to do so.......
Mr R. E. Parkinson has obviously gone to considerable trouble (CM, April 91 to criticize my letter (CM, February 191 on the subject of double-weighing, but perhaps hasn't added......
Guarded Lorry Parks
Having read the feature by Janus in which he dealt with guarded lorry parks (CM, March 5), we can only reach one conclusion—that the writer has never been to Doncaster. This......
Rear Marker Stripes
I write with interest in connection with yoi article "Rear markers: surveying the fiel( (CM. April 9). My attention was drawn to the photograr showing an Esso tanker displaying......
Effects Of 0-licensing
The situation which has arisen in road haulai with more new operators entering the indust each month, which was the subject of yc leader (CM, April 16, "Objectors shou......