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The Law On Limiters
entail checking the plate and the seal. All limiter centres will have to be audited. This could be carried out by the sponsor or, for hauliers handling their own fitting, by an......
• One Of The Country's Seven Enforcement Managers Has Quit
in protest against changes which he warns will threaten road safety. North-eastern enforcement manager Tim Lavery starts in another civil service post with lower pay next week.......
Tribunal Decides On Dee Relaunch
• North East LA Frederick Whalley acted perversely and breached natural justice when granting John Dee Limited an 0-licence, the Road Haulage Association told the Thnsport......
Euro Mps Cut Uk Permits
• British hauliers stand to get a meagre share of EC cabotage permits under proposals put forward by the European Parliament's transport committee in Brussels last week. The......
Meps Want More Hush
• Euro MPs are demanding April session of the European tougher EC targets on reducing Parliament urged Brussels to set exhaust noise from trucks. a maximum of 78dBA. Current EC......
Proposals For Speed Limiter Centre.
LI The VI will approve any organisation complying with its conditions of approval. This could include haulage firms and truck dealers. The aim is to cut costs to operators, it......
Veteran Parade
• This Sunday's London to Brighton Historic Commercial Vehicle Run starts at Crystal Palace at 07:00hrs and finishes with a parade at Brighton seafront.......
Licence Cover
• Drivers' union URTU is offering an uprated compensation package for members who lose their licence for medical reasons. Under the scheme a 47-year-old driver would receive......
No Excuses
• The FTA has reiterated its call for 44 tonnes. "We're fed up with excuses such as 'the time isn't right' or 'we haven't convinced the public'," president Alec Lafone told new......
Old Agenda
• Britain must develop an integrated transport system, recognising the strengths of road and rail, TGWU leader Bill Morris told the FTA's annual dinner this week. "The sterile......
Receiver Called
• County Durham-based haulier Sean L Lee has called in the receiver to find a buyer for the family-owned 20 truck and trailer operation which turns over £1.5m from Sacristan.......
Ports Blitz • The Police And Vehicle Inspectorate Have Been
carrying out a blitz this week on illegal trucks at South Coast ports. Dozens of drivers have been fined.......