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Lose Bibb Prevents Langerous Oil Spills
uel or hydraulic oil leaks from disconnected es can lead to dangerous conditions in the .kshop, and could result in an expensive personal injury claim. One solution is......
• Eurotec Automotive Of Normanton Has Extended Its Range...
Van pad and shoe range extended Distributed in the UK under the Balco brand, extra friction references for Sprinter and Ivaco Cargo models have been added to the list of over......
Loadlink's New Site
Roadlink International has invested £500,000 in a new 930m 2 ,000ft 2 brake shoe remanufacturing and storage facility at its filluarters in Wilienhall, West Midlands. The new......
Repressurising System
a Status Fluid Power has established a cost-effective repressurisIng service for all types of gas spring struts. The work is carried out in a pressurised tube capable of taking......
Brake Testing Made Easy
• Bowmonk's latest BrakeCheck portable electronic brake tester can be used by workshops, testing and inspection stations to calculate the efficiency of a vehicle's service and......
Abs And Ebs Booklet The Vehicle Inspectorate's Booklet On...
and EBS braking systems for CVs Is available on the Web ( Go to the section marked 'About VI', then click through to 'Publications', then to Manuals', and click......
Bpw Bf.itocco Agent
DPW is now the UK and Ireland agent for the Italian-made Bertocco range of suspension and air brake products. Contact: BPW on: 01162 816123......
Bea Website
Garages and workshops worried about increased surveillance from Heath and Safety inspectors can now refer to the Garage Equipment Association's website ( The H&S......
Stertu. Adds Samoa
Stertil Koni has added the Samoa brand of servicing gear, benches, trolleys and cabinets to its product list. The range includes high pressure pneumatic pump systems, hose......