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14,000 New Vehicles Registered In March
XCLUSIVE of cars and motorcycles. 14,272 vehicles were first registered in March of this year, bringing the total for January-March to 46,183. Details of new registrations by......
Council Should Provide Adequate Termini
WHEN Newcastle-on-Tyne police IN objected, at a sitting of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, to applications to run two new bus services because, they said, the bus termini in......
Fine Safety Record
V EHICLES of the Gas Light and Coke Co. covered more than 5,000,000 miles in 1946. Of 495 drivers who entered for the safety-first competition of the National Society for the......
Restrictions On Utility Vehicles
T HE Automobile Association points out that many motorists have the erroneous impression that the 30 m.p.h. speed limit outside built-up areas does not apply to utility vehicles......
State Compensation For Passenger Transport There Is A...
the terms I of compensation for bus operators will be more clearly defined during the closing stages of the passage of the Transport Bill and that a clause to that effect will......
Decision Reached Without Hearing Objectors
A CASE in which Dr. Dawson Sadler . West' Midland' Deputy Licensing Authority, reached a decision without hearing the representations of the objectors or their witnesses, has,......
New Wheelnut Wrench For Lorries
T HE new Multiway wheelnut wrench. manufactured by Jenks Brothew, Ltd., Bristol Works, Bushbury, Wolver hampton, is described in the company's recently issued catalogue. When......
A Torch For The Driver
QUITABLE for use by drivers for 1 --inight repairs, the Tuba hand torch is made by Oldham and Son, Ltd., Denton, Manchester. It is one of a range of six lamps and torches......