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From Buses To Cakes
O NE of the oldest catering businesses in the South-West of Scotland, Oughtons' Restaurant, Dumfries, has been purchased by the Caledonian Omnibus Co., Ltd. Mr. S. Kennedy,......
A New " Trader" Handbook
A NEW edition of that invaluable r - L little volume, "Trader" handbook, has been published by the Trader Publishing Co., Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1. All......
Road Conditions Will Be Worst Ever
P ROSPECTS of securing better roads are grim, states the Roads Improvement Association in its 60th annual report, to be presented on June 5. Although improvements were promised......
Road-rail Rates To Be Revived
N O doubt the proposed machinery to be set up under the Transport Bill would investigate the relationship between road and rail rates, said Mr. A. Barnes, Minister of Transport,......
Umpires Rule For Daimler
E MPLOYERS cannot reasonably be expected to accept the reduction of efficiency that would be caused by reemploying men in temporary grades on resuming work after the industrial......
Seven Appeals Fail
S EVEN appeals against decisions of the West Midland Traffic Commissioners have been dismissed by the Minister of Transport. Appellants were Red and White Services, Ltd., Mr.......
Leyland Breaks With Secrecy
]EMBERS of the Leyland Motors' 01 Engineering Society, with hundreds of their friends, attended the second annual President's Night, last week, when they spent two hours in a......