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Tomorrow Is Freedom Day
• 25-mile Limit on Hauliers Lifted After Seven Years T°m ORROW (Saturday), after restriction for seven years, the 25-mile radius limit on hauliers will be removed. There will......
Steady Expansion Can Be Resumed
says James Barrie, National Chairman, Road fiaulaze Association A BOLITION of the 25-mile limit marks the culminating point of a long struggle by the Road Haulage Association.......
67% In List 8 Sold : Two More Lists
WITH tenders for 15 per cent. of the IN vehicles offered without premises in list 8 still undecided, 67 per cent. of the vehicles in such lots had by Wednesday evening been......
New Company To Make Bristols
THE motor constructional works and bodybuilding shops at Brishington and the Kingswood engine-repair works will be transferred tomorrow from the Bristol Tramways and Carriage .......