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Higher Fares For Ulster : Stability
T HE Northern Ireland Transport Tribunal approved last week the introduction of a new fares structure by the Ulster Transport Authority.. Under the new scheme, the maximum......
Glasgow 3m. Passengers Down: Tv Blamed
T ELEVISION is blamed by Glasgow L Transport Department for a drop of £40,665 in revenue, against an expected increase of E51.288. According to a report by the general manager,......
Sheep Died In Lorry Driver Fined 1'5
T HE driver of a , sheep-carrying vehicle, Peter Smith; Lazonby, near Kendal, was fined £5 alt Clitheroe last week for conveying the animals in a manner causing them unnecessary......
Registrations Rise Again Rthe Big Jump In New...
September was followed by a further increase in October, the respective figures being 12.954 and 13,764. "Other goods." at 9.830, accounted for the advance, as "exempt vehicles"......
"haulage To Boost Warehouse Business
" R OAD haulage is closely allied to warehousing and we are hopeful that the enlargement of our operations in this sphere will open up new possi- bilities for the utiliZation of......
Radio Distracild Driver?
A RADIO was playing in a bus when it was involved in an accident at a corner. When the , driver was fined for careless driving at Nottingham last week, the chairman of the......
Two To Serve
T HE .East Midland Licensing Authority has allowed services from Kirk Hallam to Nottingham to be provided by Barton Transport. Ltd., and the Midland General Omnibus Co. Barton......
Chambers Report Soon The Minister Of Transport Expects To...
the report of the Chambers Committee of Inquiry into London Transport by the end of January.......
Marking Time On Fares A Lthough Birkenhead Transport...
taking no immediate action to counteract the effect of the recent wage increase, which will cost £40,000 . a year, it is believed that higher fares may soon be necessary.......