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Computers In Transport Planning And Operation
• Computers in Transport Planning and Operation (Ian Allan, £3) by Anthony Wren, of Leeds University, deals with a subject of increasing importance to transport managers in both......
Linear Programming No Prior Knowledge Of Computers Or...
is assumed in the book. The first (elementary) chapter describes computers and how they are supplied with data, and the second chapter introduces the important subject of......
Practical Technology
• Basic information on virtually every aspect of automotive engineering is contained in the 700 pages of Motor Vehicle Technology and Practical Work by J. A. Dolan, published by......
Ci Engines Compression-ignition Engines Are Covered In...
well as more advanced aspects of petrol—engine design and construction, lubrication and cooling systems and engine testing. There are 22 chapters (428 pages) and the information......
The Manual Of Industrial Relations
• Bowes Egan has written a number of' successful books on the impact of new law on commerce; one was on the Trade Descriptions Act. His latest book, The Manual of Industrial......
Proper Instruction The Author Stresses The Need For...
take great care that junior managers and supervisors are properly instructed about the implications of Section 34 of the IR Act. From December 1 all written collective......