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In View Of The Increasing Size Of Our Transport Business
we have it in mind to appoint a person to be responsible for the personnel function. He would be responsible for preliminary interviewing and staff selection, setting job......
Q With Reference To The Article On Moonlighting (know The...
CM Oct 29) what is the position for a person whose normal work does not involve any kind of vehicle but who wishes to "moonlight" as a driver? What hours can such a driver put......
Q In The July 23 Issue Of Cm You
published a letter headed "Deskbound hgv licence". Your correspondent was getting all steamed up, claiming that every mechanic has his exemption form filled in in case his......
A We Are Having Some Difficulty With Receiving Deliveries...
and fuel into tour old and rather small premises by the large tankers currently in use. We are told that there are certain minimum standards sizes for manholes and such like.......