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Better Brakes Urged: Ministry To Hold Tests
IN the light of higher speeds and weights the whole question of the brake efficiency of commercial vehicles should be reconsidered. This was urged by a delegation from the......
Braking Only Th E Trailer Is Best
IIan artic is driven above its " stable I speed '', which may he quite low, it can jack-knife without application of the brakes, although brake application may induce this......
Hope's Anti-jack-knife Device To Be Shown
'THE anti-tack-knife device for antes developed by F. J. Hope of Hope Transport Ltd., is to be displayed at the Amsterdam Show by the York Trailer Co. Ltd. as a demonstration......
'not Au Blame On Lorry Drivers'
From Our Political Correspondent 'THE Transport and General Workers Union has asked Mr. Marples if it can be allowed to give its views on the recent fog fiasco on the Ml. The......
Ali-welded By Scammell
WELDED-ON outriggers and side raves VII are to be introduced for the Scammell range of MH automaticcoupling semi-trailers to give a completely all-welded chassis frame. The......
In Brief
Leylands for Yugoslavia: Final details are being negotiated for the supply of £1÷m. worth of vehicles and engines to Yugoslavia by Leylands Motors. The contract involves 250'......