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Gas Turbines For Commercials First It
I T is reported in the U.S.A. that power unit and transmission en g ineers who g athered in Detroit this month for the S.A.E. conference were of the opinion that g as-turbine......
Another New Daimler-benz Diesel
F OLLOWING our exclusive announcement last week about the DaimlerBenz OM 346 direct-injection diesel engine, a 10.8-litre six-cylinder unit with an output of 210 b.h.p. (DIN) at......
News I N Brief Telex At Dennis: Dennis Brothers Ltd.,
of Guildford, Surrey, have introduced Telex facilities at the Guildford works, The Telex number is 8511 and the answer-back code is Dennis Guildfrd. New Tecalemit Agents: Six......
Municipal 0
PPORTUN ITIES Bradford City Council transport committee has Invited selected firms to submit quotations for the supply of 30 new double-decker but chassis and 30 new but bodies.......
Ceylon To Buy 485 Buses
T HE Ceylon Transport Board has decided to purchase 485 buses in the current year at a cost of nearly Lim. Of this number, 126 will be reconditioned London Transport......
Imi Summer School Rtre Institute Of The Motor Industry's...
school—which is open to non-members—will be held at Queen's College, Cambridge, from August 14-21 this year. The pro g ramme includes principles of mana g ement, sales, workshop......
G.m.c. Four-stroke Diesel
IN our report of the new 478-series G.M.C. four-stroke V-6 diesel en g ines published on January 10 it was stated that each of the crankshaft crankpins carried two connectin g......
Orders And Deliveries
SEDDON ORDERS APPROACH £1 MILLION : Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd. has received orders amounting to £487,000 in the first two weeks of 1964. British Road Services has placed r e......