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Weekly Ticket And Time Tablea Contract
'r HE non-appearance of a bus, engaged to carry miners to the Margaret Pit, Co. Durham, which resulted in 19 miners losing a day's work, had a sequel at Consett County Court......
Reductions In Bus Seasons In Scotland
T HE Traffic Commissioners for the Southern Area of Scotland have decreed that the Western S.M.T. yearly bus seasons between Kilmarnock and Glasgow shall, in future, be reduced......
Preston Estimates Balance Of £14,272.
TrHE revised estimates of Preston 11. Corporation Transport Department show that, after transferring £5,000 to rate relief, there is a balance of £19,272 to carry forward. It is......
London Transport's Country Services.
A Nimportant step in the development of London Transport's country bus and Green Line coach services has been taken in the transfer of the central administrative staff from......
Regular ,,service On Mountain Route.
rINE of the most difficult routes in V./England must surely be that operated by Caerphilly Urban District Council. Known as the Thornhill route, it includes the Caerphilly......
Blackpool Receipts Show Increase Of /22,324.
r OR the municipal year, ended February last, Blackpool bus receipts, at £221,205, showed an increase of £22,324. Tram receipts declined by £15,108. Passengers, by tram, showed......