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Imports And Exports Both Fall Away.
CCORD1NG to Board of Trade rifigures, the value of commercial vehicles, chassis, cars and accessories imported during February was 2375,510, which is not very much below the......
Fire-fighting Equipment At L.c.c. Jubilee Celebrations.
A PROMINENT feature of the jubilee celebrations of the London County Council at the County Hall, Westminster, is a display of A.R.P. and fire fighting equipment. The appliances,......
Protest On L.m.s. " Detective Agency."
A N allegation that the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., "as a matter of policy," objected to renewals for the purpose of " fishing " for information to use against......
Grouping Of Farmers' Vehicles For Defence.
A CTION has been taken by the National Farmers' Union in respect of the organization of road transport for defence, to see that agricultural vehicles, where" they are concerned.......
Prison Sentence For Log - Sheet Offence. A Story Of A Wrong
entry in a log 1 - 1.sheet was told at Leeds Assizes, last week, when two men were charged with conspiring to pervert the cause of justice. Edward John Kennedy Hague, driver, of......
New Institute Of Automobile Assessors.
INCORPORATION with a Board of 'Trade licence under the title of the Institute of Automobile Assessors has been obtained by the Institute of Consulting Motor Engineers.......