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Railways Call For End Of Fish Transport By Road
E question whether there should be alternative road facilities besides the rail services for the carriage of fish from North Shields to Billingsgate Market. London, was the crux......
25-mile Limit Too Small—mr. Quin
P OINTED references to the necessity of extending the 25-mile radius imposed on hauliers under the Transport Act, were made last Saturday by Mr. William F. Quin, Scottish......
Traders Criticize State Transport
C OMPLAINTS about delays in transport by British Road Services are being made by users in the Midlands and on Merseyside. A Birmingham correspondent reports that C-licence......
Major Chapple Chairman Of Bristol
IT was announced last Saturday that Major F. J. Chapple, general manager of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd. (owned by the British Transport Commission), had been......
Road Subsidy For Railways? I F It Were Not Careful,
the road trans. port industry was liable to become involved in some kind of subsidy for the railways, said Col. A. Jerrett (president of the Traders' Road Transport......