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Timber Merchants . Win Appeal
D EVERSING a decision of the West IN.Midland De put y Licensing Authority, the Appeal Tribunal last week allowed, with 10 guineas costs, an appeal by Messrs. George H. Powell,......
1,000 Guests At R.h.a. Dinner
ELL over 1 , 00 people attended the " annnal banquet, - 1a 1 st Monday, of the Road Haulage Association's Metropolitan and South Eastern Area. The chairman, Mr. C. W. H.......
"biggest Exporter Of Hea*ies "
IN his annual statement, Mr. C. B. 'Nixon, chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., claims that his company has made the largest contribution of any heavy commercial vehicle......
In A Line Or Two
Acheson ,Colloids, Ltd., haS changed its addreSs to 18-19, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. • In a recent week, 3,240 Austin 'vehicles were built; 92 per cent, were • exported. "."......