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Br Builds New Freight Depot
• British Rail is opening new freight handling depot in Wolverhampton, called a Railpark, which will provide warehousing and distribution facilities to compete with road......
Plea For Better Delivery Notes
IN Poor collection and delivery notes are causing huge inefficiencies in the road transport industry, Overdrive, the temporary drivers' agency, says. Of 500 Overdrive drivers......
Bca's First 'closed' Cv Auction
• British Car Auctions held its first ever commercial vehicles "closed" sale at its new 24-hectare (60-acre) auction centre at its 142-hectare (350-acre) Blackbushe airport......
• Duncan Trans,(111. Tiri ..1.!,sii( Lilted Newspapers...
which was diversified into warehousing and distribution for supermarkets, is using two British-built Renaults on newsprint delivery in Manchester. They are G290 4x2 tractive......
Dr (live • • • Readers of our Tipco conference report on p32 of last week's issue may have been surprised to read the apparent description of Preston haulier Dr Clive Carefoot......
Cartransport Invests For New Contract:
• Cartransport, the Nation l'i night Consortium's car delivery firm, has invested more than £800,000 in 27 new Scania P92M RCs and 17 Lohr trailers. The new vehicles will be......