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Immobilizers In New Vehicles?
ORRY parks with full security .1 arrangements, plus drivers' accom°dation, shower baths and catering eilities, were visualized as a possibility Mni J. T. Brown when he addressed......
Laulage Workers' Long Hours
TAT1STICS published in the Ministry of Labour Gazette show. how average ;ekly earnings, hours worked and hourly rnings of men aged 21 and over have ried between October, 1948,......
E.e.c. Transport Director E.e.c. Commission Have...
as their rector-general for transport; he replaces . Renzetti, who is leaving office. Sig. inoletti is professor for transport onomics at Genoa University.......
Securicor Appeal Reasons
T HE long-awaited reasons for allowing the appeal by Securicor, Ltd., were given by the Transport Tribunal last week. Securicor, who had applied to the Metropolitan Licensing......
Short-term Grant Far Eggs
A CARLISLE haulage firm's reputation as egg transporters was known on the South Coast, it was revealed during an application before the Northern Licensing Authority at Carlisle......