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Dodge Announce A 6 X 4
rA A SIX-WHEELER with a double-drive rear bogie is now made by Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd. The new model is produced in two wheelbases, 16 ft. 3 in. for haulage purposes and......
U.t.a. Serves The Doctors
P ROVISION of the necessary transport for the 1.500 delegates and guests attending the British Medical Association Conference in Belfast last week constituted a major operation......
Last Glasgow Trams
G LASGOW Corporation Transport's last remaining tram services, the last city trams to run in the British Isles, are to be replaced by diesel buses next month. The final regular......
Southport Buses Have Better Year
A N increased surplus of £32,750 is reported by Southport Corporation Transport Department for the year 1961-62—an increase of more than £4,000 on the previous year's surplus......
" Cooked " Their Records
r - k A RIPLEY, Derbyshire, man, told th; he " deliberately cooked the records of a goods vehicle he was driving, fined a total, of £20 by Derby count magistrates last week, He......
Folding Tanks For Sutton
I N a report on an application by Sutto and Son (St. Helens), Ltd., for 12 nen vehicles (The Commercial Motor, Jul 13) it was reported that Mr, J. F. Adam of I.C.I. Dyestuffs......
Haulage Company Wound Ty A N Order For The Compulsory
windirq 1-1 up of S. Leonard (Transport), Ltd of Streatham Hill, London, SV., wa made by Mr. Justice Plowman in th High Court on Monday on the petitio of British Overseas......