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Industry Support For Armitage's Inquiry
THE ROAD haulage industry has given its wholehearted support to the announcement of the composition of the independent inquiry into lorries — including the question of maximum......
Stations Shut Down
UP TO 1000 filling stations could close this year, warns the garages' organisation, the Motor Agents Association. The Association told the Department of Energy that the closures......
Intertruck Taken Over?
THE INTERTRUCK group of companies which manufacture and distribute a wide range of trailer and commercial vehicle parts may be taken over by Dana-Europe. Dana-Europe is the......
TRANSPORT Minister Norman Fowler has promised to look sympathetically at whatever proposals the Greater London Council bring forward for the docklands southern relief road.......
Plea For Three-way Mcw Bus
A PLEA for money to develo a new type of bus which, it wa claimed, would eventuall replace current vehicles wa made in the Commons la! week. It came from David Gilro Bevan......