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Ore Permits For 1 Itish Hauliers
.W ILATERAL agreents o make international vem nts easier for British the are being negotiated the epartment of Transt, ac ording to a new report ied week. 'he ews comes only......
AN UNDERPASS costing £5m and linking Millbank with Grosvenor Road, Westminster has been agreed in principle by the Greater London Council. The proposed two-lane underpass would......
Edbro Fights Back
EDBRO, the manufacturer of hydraulic equipment and tipping gear for commercial vehicles, showed a group pretax profit of £3.02m for the year ended March 31, 1979. This is down......
Lep Results Slide
INTERNATIONAL freight forwarders, the Lep Group, announced pre-tax profits of £4.52m, compared with the previous year's figure of £4.69m. Turnover for the year was up from......
Arlington Move Up
COMMERCIAL vehicle distributors Arlington Motor Holdings showed a record pre-tax profit figure of £1.32m for the year ended March 31, 1979. This is 15 per cent above the......
Alexander Ahead
SCOTTISH coachbuilder Walter Alexander has announced pre-tax profits of £2.76m for the year ended March 31, 1979. This is 18.2 per cent above the previous year's figure of......