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Heavy Goods Vehicles Had A Lower Rate Of Involvement In
accidents than light goods vehicles, cars and taxis during each of the last five years — but a higher rate of involvement in fatal accidents. Detailed figures for 1971-75 were......
Further Sailings On Townsend Thorensen's Southampton-le...
introduced — just two months after the company announced extra weekend crossings to meet increased autumn and winter demand. Newly-scheduled Monday to Saturday day sailings mean......
Airport Plant
A 35,000 square feet packaging factory, just opened in Feltham, Middlesex, by the Giltspur group, will serve exporters and forwarders in a large area covering London and the......
Driver Wins Appeal
IT IS normal practice in the Northern Traffic Area for the hgN licences of drivers convicted and disqualified before magistrate: to be suspended for a further month after the......