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Roadway Coaches — Put If The Road Last August For
, ad maintenance — were flowed two psv licences for 2 months only at a hearing in drmingham last week. But sorting out the services D be operated in the area esulted in a court......
Costly Delays
4ANY coach operators are eing put to trouble and .xpense by the refusal of the 'ransport Department to end a vehicle examiner to an rea until there is a certain tinimum quantity......
Lt Fears Failure Of A-mmo Scheme
THE WHOLE pattern of bus operation in London hinges on the results of a forthcoming experiment in Havering. Prepaid tickets to a three-point fare scale will be issued and all......
New Year Moves At Nbc
CHANGES at the top in the National Bus Company will take place in the New Year. On January 1 the western region director, Mr Robert Brook, will take over as Chief Executive from......