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W. Midland Rates Battle Adjourned Again
A N allegation that the objectors to an application were doing all they could to "stave off" a decision as long as possible was made by a solicitor representing Willmott Haulage......
In Brief
No Appearance, No Grant: When B and 13 Security Police, Birmingham, failed to appear at a public inquiry in Birmingham, on Tuesday, to apply for a two-vehicle B licence to carry......
Big Bid In Yorkshire
B ECAUSE of the Christmas holidays many traffic areas have not published Applications and Decisions, or are issuing them later than usual; only three publications had been......
APPLICATIONS (January 1, 1964) P. R. Taylor. York, new A lic.. 1 veh, (30. Caravan mats, and accessories and plumbers' hardware. York, Hull. Whitby and intermediate districts.......
APPLICATIONS (December 31. 1963) W. L. Valiance Ltd.. Newton Abbot. A var., add I art. trl. (.5t 6c). (3.g. within 35 miles. Greenaway and Greenaway Ltd.. Stratton. Cornwall, A......
South Wales
APPLICATIONS (December 25, 1963) D. Griffiths and Sons (Newhridge) Ltd.. Crosskeys, Mon. new A lie., II T. (5410. Road mats'. coal, slag. stone, excavated mats., colliery waste......