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U.i.t.p. Congress, 1965
I NCLUDED in the papers to be presented at the 36th Con g ress of the International Union of Public Transport will be one by Mr. C. T. Humpid g e, g eneral mana g er of......
New Manager For Oxford
ityllt. G. M. NEWBERRY, at present AVI traffic mana g er of The Northern General Transport Co. Ltd., has been appointed g eneral mana g er of The City of Oxford Motor Services...... Officers
A CHAIRMAN and six vice-chairmen have been appointed for 1964 by the Road Operators' Safety Council. The new chairman is Mr. W. M. Hall, g eneral mana g er of Li v erpool......
Bright Future For London Transport
I N a New Year messa g e to London Transport's 75,000 staff, Mr. A. B. B. Valentine, l_.T.B. chairman, said that the tide was turning in favour of public transport and there was......
Road-rail Vehicle P Roposed For Scotland
A ROAD vehicle which can also run on railway lines has been desi g ned by Mr. I. M. Rollo, an en g ineer, and chairman of the Hi g hland Fund and one of the prominent supporters......
Modified Bid Granted
OLI.OWING an amendment to an application by J. and E. Transport Ltd., Haslin g den, an objection by British Railways was withdrawn and the m odified form g ranted by the North......
Grant For Greaves I Ncreasing Prosperity Of His Main...
g as appliance manufacturers, Sidney Flavell, was the main reason behind an application recently by Ellis Greaves of Coventry to add two vehicles to his A licence. The variation......