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Board Visit R.h.e. In Bournemouth
NJ/EMBERS of the Road Haulage iViDisposal Board last week visited the South Western Divisional Headquarters of the Road Haulage Executive at Bournemouth. The purpose of their......
Users Deplore Closing Of Dock Depot A Depot For The
receipt of small PI consignments for vessels loading at India and Millwall Docks has been closed by the Port of London Authority. The Manufacturers' Transport Group, West......
1,152 Years' Service
O VER 40 members of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., were, last Saturday, presented with gold watches to mark 20 years' or more service. The recipients included Mr.......
Trolleybus Extensions
A BILL has been promoted in Parliament to confirm the ProvisiOnal Order under which Walsall Corporation are granted power to run trolleybuses on 16 new routes. They have to be......
Coke Delivery Freed
D EGULATIONS restricting the 1N, delivery of coke and other fuel to or from vehicles in certain streets in the London Traffic Area between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. will be revoked on......
Coach Ban Lifted
L AST Sunday. the ban on coaches bringing private parties into the inner zone of London was lifted by the Metropolitan Police Commissioner. The Passenger Vehicle Operators'......
Judge Warns Agents On Advertisements
A WARNING to dealers who use superlative language in advertising vehicles was given by Judge Walmsley at Salford County Court, last week. He was hearing a case in which David......
90 Leylands For Israel
MINETY Leyland bus chassis have been ordered by the Israeli Ministry of Communications. The bodies will be built in Israel. Those for urban services will be constructed on the......