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B.r.s. Hold Revenue, But Traffic Drops
'TONNAGE carried and miles .I. travelled by British Road Services continued at a lower level than last year, but revenue is well maintained. Figures just issued by the British......
Railways Get Leave Traffic
CURTHER evidence of the determina1.' tion of the railways, foreshadowed by The Commercial Motor, to recover traffic in troops travelling on short leave, was provided, last week.......
Men In The News
MR. E. R. HowLE - rr and MR. C. J. RricHtE have retired from the board of cling-Barford, Ltd. MR. K. C. T. MARSHALL has succeeded MR. W. S. KNIGHT as managing director of......
T.g.w.u. As Haulage " Caretakers "
A MONG proposals to be put fortt ward at the biennial conference of the Transport and General Workers' Union, which opens at Southsea on July 13, is one that the Union should......
Hire "pirates" Attacked
DART-TIME operators who are 1 abstracting the regular Operakirs . week-end private-hire business are . attacked in a letter sent by Messrs. M. Charlton and Sons, of Hexham, to......
A.m.c. On Licensing
T HE Association of Municipal Corporations have told the Thesiger Committee that they are in favour of continuing the appointment of members of Licensing Authorities from......