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Moment Of Opportunity For Britain S Industry?
BY H. BRIAN COTTEE 17 ever there was an opportunity for the bus .II. industry to shake off traditional shackles and embark with Government blessing on a realistic reshaping,......
Award For Glasgow Busmen
AN additional payment of 7s. for working Saturday shifts after 1 p.m. is to be made to Glasgow's 6,000 municipal busmen. The award, backdated to May 5, was made last week by the......
Off-peak Greenliners
B IG reductions in the cost of Green Line off-peak travel into central London were announced by London Transport last week Cheap day return tickets, named "Greenliners", will be......
Cool Reception For P. And I. Board Report
BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIM UIRST reactions to the report of the National Board for Prices and Inomes on busmen's pay and conditions in ,ondon and the provinces were distinctly .osty.......