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Galvanized Door Tracks
E Henderson company has announced that all the slidingdoor tracks in its range will shortly be treated with the tightcoated continuously galvanized process. This will therefore......
Kit Form Conveyor
rNESCRIBED in the May 20 issue of COMMERCIAL MOTOR. Wellrun conveyor equipment is marketed at £16 10s. a box and not as given at £20 a box. Made by: Moplant (Sales) Ltd., St.......
Electric Reach Truck
A NEW Hirst battery-electric reach truck, known as the Forager Reacher, has a capacity of 2,500 lb. It features transistorized control and gives an infinitely-variable speed up......
Wheel Carriers
PARE wheel carriers now being manufactured by Holmes Engineering Ltd. are designed to fit on to the web of a chassis main frame or rear cross-member and are constructed from......
Abrasive Disc
K NOWN as the New Atadisc. a new abrasive disc features an ' original bayonet-type locking device which gives greater flexibility when the machine is being used on difficult......
Pneumatic Angle Grinder
NEW angle grinder known as the NAGla has been introduced by Algin Motors which is designed for high-precision grinding at 12,700 r.p.m. and is claimed to be capable of sustained......